People start laughing when heavy-set dancer comes to stage, but as he starts to dance, everyone’s mouths drop…


The intensity with which Aoniken Quiroga danced to Jerry Lee Lewis’s “Great Balls of Fire” during a tango show in Vienna electrified the crowd, captivating them with his unexpected performance. While the audience likely anticipated his more slender and glamorous partner to steal the spotlight, it was Quiroga, with his dynamic energy and powerful moves, who truly commanded the stage. The performance was a testament to the fact that dancers, regardless of their size or appearance, can mesmerize audiences if they bring passion and skill to their craft.

Whether seasoned performers or newcomers to the dance scene, many individuals possess the potential to become extraordinary dancers. Unfortunately, some people may doubt their abilities due to preconceived notions about their bodies or physical appearance. However, history has shown that it’s not the outward form that defines a great dancer but the dedication, effort, and love for the art itself.


This lesson was reinforced by the success of Quiroga’s performance at the 2012 TANGOAMADEUS event, where his stage presence left spectators in awe. His enthusiasm was palpable, and his movements were so captivating that the audience couldn’t take their eyes off him. Even those watching the performance from home were enthralled by his raw talent and emotion.

In a culture where quick judgments are often made based on appearance, Quiroga’s performance defied expectations. Dancing to a fast-paced song like “Great Balls of Fire” requires agility, quick footwork, and stamina, and Quiroga demonstrated all these traits effortlessly. From the very start of the performance, his partner, who was dazzling in a golden dress, seemed poised to take center stage. But as the dance progressed, it became clear that Quiroga’s energy and skill were unmatched. His towering presence and confident moves soon overshadowed his partner, despite his simple attire of a white shirt and black pants.

The audience was initially skeptical, perhaps doubting whether Quiroga could keep up with such a lively song. Yet he quickly proved them wrong, moving with grace and precision that rivaled, and in many ways exceeded, his partner’s abilities. At times, it seemed as though his partner struggled to keep pace with him, as he spun her around effortlessly, using his height to his advantage. His agility and control were undeniable, and the crowd soon realized that his size had no bearing on his dance skills.

Quiroga’s impressive hip movements and spins demonstrated the level of dedication he had put into his craft. He had trained rigorously for this moment, and his performance spoke volumes about his talent and commitment to dance. His ability to move with such grace while maintaining the audience’s full attention was nothing short of remarkable.

This performance serves as a reminder not to judge someone based solely on their appearance. People often have hidden talents or passions that defy the stereotypes placed on them. Quiroga’s performance challenged the notion that size dictates a dancer’s ability, showing that with hard work and dedication, anyone can excel.

Over 3.5 million people have watched Quiroga’s performance since it was posted online, and he has received widespread praise for his outstanding skill and presence. Some even went so far as to say that he outshone his partner, an achievement that speaks to his incredible talent. For many aspiring dancers, Quiroga has become an inspiration, proving that no matter your size or shape, the love of dance can take you far. His story encourages others to pursue their passions and never let obstacles stand in their way.

If you’re a dance enthusiast or simply want to be inspired, watch the video below to witness this unforgettable performance firsthand!

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